What Kind of Preparations Do I Need to Take for WOSB Certification?

Introduction: The term WOSB certification or Women-Owned Small Business is a federal contracting program. It is the goal of the federal government to present award at least five percent of all federal contracting dollars to women-owned small businesses each year. It is one of the most recognized and respected national certifications for women owned businesses in United States. This certification has taken up the lead amongst the other non-profit organization in US. The program has multiple avenues in order to receive assistance. Webinars are offered by The WOSB Federal Contracting Program and town halls that cover various topics related to WOSB and EDWOSB (Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business) certification. Though taking part in webinars and town halls are completely voluntary, yet, once you are registered as a participant, from then you will receive invitations and follow-up correspondence from WOSBTraining@sba.gov. automatically. You being a woman e...