Women Owned Businesses and WOSB Joint Venture: What it Means

A woman-owned small business still faces some unique challenges, although they are more common today than 20 years ago. Women in male-dominated fields are still much more likely to be discriminated against, despite centuries of gender discrimination slowly but surely giving way to a more equitable future. There are several benefits to running a small business for many women. For instance, the federal government in the United States introduced the Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Federal Contracting Program as reparations for historically oppressed women entrepreneurs. Joint Venture Agreements WOSB joint venture are partnerships between two or more entities, usually owned by the same person or group of people. This particular joint venture is aimed at landing a federal contract. There will be a variety of specialties and skills brought to each bid, increasing the odds of it being awarded. The steps for submitting a Joint Venture offer as a WOSB with another small business Due to their...