Overview of minority-owned businesses

 The number of minority-owned firms has increased by 35% over the previous ten years, mostly as a result of public and private initiatives to support certified minority business enterprises (MBE). This article covers the prerequisites for MBE certification as well as an overview of the certification procedure and MBE information.

An MBE is what?

As per MBE information, a for-profit company owned and controlled by one or more members of an ethnic or racial minority group is eligible for a special certification known as an MBE. African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and Asian Americans are the main minority groups in the United States.

An organization must meet two primary criteria to be accredited as an MBE. The MBE must first be owned by one or more people who identify as members of a racial or ethnic minority. When one or more members of a minority group have at least 51% of each class of ownership interest in the entity, ownership is said to have occurred. Assume, for instance, that Corporation XYZ has 100 voting shares and 100 non-voting shares. John, a shareholder from a minority group, and Jack are both shareholders in XYZ (a non-minority group member). A minority group member owns 51% of each class of the company's stock if John owns 51 shares of the voting stock and 51 shares of the non-voting stock, which means XYZ should be eligible for certification as an MBE. Consider John now to be the owner of 100 non-voting and 2 voting stock shares. John owns 102 of the 200 outstanding shares of XYZ or 51% of all outstanding shares, but he does not own 51% of each class of XYZ stock, hence XYZ should not satisfy the ownership requirements for recognition as an MBE.

The control of the entity's daily operations by one or more members of a minority group is the second prerequisite for certification as an MBE. An MBE information says while determining ownership for MBE certification purposes is relatively straightforward, determining control depends on the unique facts and circumstances of each organization. Generally speaking, one or more members of the minority group must be able to manage the majority, if not all, areas of the firm and should be in charge of its daily operations.

A member of a minority group is not required to possess technical knowledge in industries that demand it, but they must demonstrate that they have ultimate management or supervisory authority over those who do. The highest office in the organization should, at the very least, be held by a member of a minority group; however, sporadic, insignificant managerial duties won't likely be enough to satisfy the control criteria for certification as an MBE as per the MBE information.


While certain public and private organizations may let a business "self-certify," the majority of MBEs are certified by a private certification firm or by a public organization. The company will typically be audited by the private certifying organization (or governmental body) to ensure that the ownership and control standards have been met. The balance sheet, financial statements, corporate documents, and agreements between the owners and the MBE will all be examined by the private certifying firm (or government body) (including any restrictive transfer or buy-sell agreements and employment agreements). Additionally, the MBE will typically be subject to an on-site inspection by the private certifying firm (or government body).

The type of business an MBE operates determines which certification strategy is used. For instance, there would be no need for XYZ to get a private certification if Corporation XYZ solely performs subcontract work for State A agency, and State A agency has its certification process. However, as many businesses do business with both public and private organizations, they can find it advantageous to obtain accreditation from a private certification body. MBE information says numerous private organizations certify MBEs; nevertheless, many private businesses and state organizations may have ties to a particular private organization. As a result, it could be a good idea for an MBE to consult with its clients and consumers to find out which private-certification organization if any, they prefer.


Being an MBE is advantageous in a variety of ways. The increased commercial opportunities for MBEs are the main benefit. To encourage contracting with certain certified MBEs, for instance, many federal, state, and local government agencies have special programs, and federal prime contractors are obliged to set goals and plans for subcontracting with specific certified MBEs. To secure a diverse supplier base, several commercial firms, including Wachovia, Nissan, and Apple Computer, have created supplier diversity programs. As per the MBE information being categorized as an MBE has the additional benefit of a variety of grants and unique lending schemes that are designed with MBEs in mind.

Finally, there are numerous start-up support programs and other educational programs funded by the government and the business sector that are expressly for MBEs.

To get more MBE information feel free to reach out to us.


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