Your Guide to MBE Certification

 You must meet specified criteria for formal recognition as a minority business enterprise, even if you run a minority-owned business (MBE). Receiving an MBE designation has business benefits if you meet the requirements.

So, what exactly is an MBE and what does an MBE certification entail?

The MBE certification and minority-owned enterprises

MBE denotes that the major owner of a business is a member of the minority group. A business must be legally designated as minority-owned to apply for and get a minority-owned business certificate. So, what precisely does that imply?

The term "minority-owned business" has a legal definition.

The company must meet the following standards to qualify and register as a minority-owned business:

Be owned and run by a U.S. citizen from one of the recognized U.S. minority groups at least 51 percent of the time.

Minority ownership members should be in charge of day-to-day operations and management.

Be a for-profit company with a physical presence in the United States or trust territories.

Which groups are considered minorities in the United States? The federal government recognizes the following seven minority groups:

Hispanic/Latino Americans are a group of people who live in the United States.

Afro-Americans of African descent

Asian Americans are a diverse group.

Arab/Middle Eastern Americans are a subset of the Arab/Middle Eastern population

Native Americans are a group of people that live in

Native Alaskans

Pacific Islanders/Native Hawaiians

MBE certification

So, what exactly is an MBE certification? The minority business enterprise certificate verifies that a company is controlled by minorities. Essentially, your business certificate verifies the authenticity of minority ownership claims.

A minority business certificate can be obtained through one of the following channels:

For federal recognition, apply to the Small Business Administration (SBA).

Governments at the state or local level

Certification in the private sector

Each sort of certification has some overlap, but each agency has its procedure and criteria. As a result, if you want to profit from the services of a different agency, you may need to obtain a fresh certification from that agency. For more information, contact the agency.

The advantages of an MBE certification for minority-owned businesses

Again, there are certain parallels between the MBE certifications in each area. However, the benefits vary depending on the certification. So, what exactly does an MBE entail?

State and local MBE certification

State and local MBE credentials have the benefit of providing technical and financial help to MBEs, allowing them to compete more successfully for contracts. State agencies can also better represent minority-owned enterprises. 

However, one of the most significant benefits of state and local MBE certification accreditation is that it grants MBEs access to targeted government contracts.

Each state has its department dedicated to advancing minority-owned business prospects. The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) was established by the Department of Commerce, and it maintains a list of state resources.


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